How it works

Make your first small business
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investment today

Pre-screened deals. Streamlined experience. Unparalleled support.

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Invest with Mainshares

  • Discover SMB Deals

    Gain unparalleled access to quality deal flow, ensuring each investment aligns with your broader investment strategy.

  • Invest and Track Portfolio

    Seamlessly invest in individual deals with digitized commitments and integrated portfolio tracking.

  • Receive Distributions

    Link your bank account and receive distributions as they are made.

New commitment to investment opportunity graphic

Getting Started

  1. 01 Apply to Join

    Fill out a quick application to share your background and investing goals.

  2. 02 Browse Opportunities

    Choose from a variety of industries, return structures, and locations to find the right deal for you.

  3. 03 Verify Accreditation

    Prove your investor accreditation through bank statements or tax returns.

  4. 04 Invest Today

    Make your first investment, with minimums as low as $10K.

New commitment to investment opportunity graphic

Serious entrepreneurs with vetted deals

  • How does Mainshares review deals?

    Every investment opportunity published on Mainshares undergoes our investment screening process. Some opportunities will be listed by our affiliated, FINRA-registered broker-dealer, Main Street Securities. Main Street Securities conducts extensive screening for both issuers and opportunities before listing them on Mainshares.

  • What kinds of investment opportunities are posted?

    Mainshares provides access to a variety of deals across industries, from marketing agencies to floor installation. Deals range in size from as small as $1M inspection businesses to $20M glass services businesses. Each deal has its own unique potential and risks based on the individual business plan.

  • What information is provided about deals?

    To help you make informed decisions, we provide in-depth information and insights for each deal, including issuer decks, data rooms, details on the financials, return structures and much more.

Government Contractor Acquisition Case Study Business Logo

Case study

Mario's Acquisition of a Government Contractor

In March 2024, Mario Antwine, a small business entrepreneur working with Mainshares, successfully raised $1.25M in preferred equity funding to acquire Pearl Interactive Network, an Ohio-based government contractor.

Read full story

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Should you be presented with an investment opportunity, such investment opportunities involve private, unregistered securities that are speculative and involve substantial risk. These investment opportunities are conducted in accordance with an exemption from registration, specifically relying on the private offering provision outlined in Section 4(a)(2) of the Securities Act of 1933, along with compliance with Rule 506 of Regulation D. All investments involve risk and the past performance of a security, or financial product does not guarantee future results or returns. There is always potential to lose money when you invest in securities or other financial products. Private placements lack liquidity and distributions are not guaranteed. You are strongly encouraged to seek professional advice prior to entering into any transaction for any securities and to consider your investment objectives and risks carefully before investing.

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