James Walbridge

🇺🇸 Tarpon Springs, Florida

I'm 35, Married with two kids (and one on the way) - and a lifelong entrepreneur. I have experience all along the technology spectrum, from Software/Web Development, to E-Commerce, to I.T. Consulting.

Identity verified with

Background cleared with

Credit check passed with

Key Facts

Owned a business previously


Business experience

I've been self employed since around 2010 when I started my first E-Commerce business. I've bounced around from startups, freelancing, and running my own E-Com businesses for the past several years. The last 3-5 years has primarily been me in an outsourced CTO role, helping companies build teams and save/grow revenue by implementing technology -- from VOIP Phone systems, to CRM's, ERP's, and warehouse fulfillment/tracking software.

Reason for buying

I think the opportunity to buy and shepherd an established legacy business is the single largest opportunity of my generation. Buying an established business to continue to maintain and grow a real legacy business within my community is a huge motivating factor for me.

Time devoted to search


Search Criteria


I'm searching for a business with at least $1mm in Cash Flow, and at least $2m in Revenue.

$3M - $20M

Asking price

$1M - $5M

Cash flow

$2M - No maximum

Last year revenue


I'm looking primarily in the Southeast, Or a remote / remote-compatible business nationwide.



North Carolina

South Carolina



My ideal acquisition target is a 20+ year old B2B or B2C acquisition that has untapped potential on either side of that equation. Agnostic to industries if it is a strong target aquisition.

Automotive Repair


Home Services



Plumbing & HVAC

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